Mike Melichar’s Camas Prairie Railroad

The Camas Prairie is a joint agency between the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific and serves the rich agricultural and lumber region of the Camas Prairie in Idaho.  All of the trains are short extras with a passenger train that serves the towns.  The Dispatcher sits in his own office and serves as station agent for all of the stations. 

Division or location:  Panhandle of Idaho
Interchange Railroads:  Craig Mountain and Nez Perce
Size of Railroad:   24 by 26 double deck
Scale:  HO
Era:  Mid 1960s
Throttle system:  Digitrax
Scale Clock Speed:   5:1
Length of Session:  18 to 24 hours
Number of Crew:  7
Train Control:  timetable and train order
Listed Jobs:  Dispatcher, 5 Local Passenger and Freight crews, Nez Perce local,  and Craig Mountain logging branch.

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